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Historic Brass/Bronze Re-creation of the Triple Theater Sconce from the 1930's (188-WES)
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Wiring/Socket Choice:
188-WES-IN Medium Base Sockets for Incandescent or LED
188-WES-HF LED Center Bulb with Medium Base Side Sockets
188-WES-LD All LED Title 24 Compliant
Historic Brass/Bronze Re-creation of the Triple Theater Sconce from the 1930's (188-WES)

188-WES  Historic Brass/Bronze Re-creation of the Triple Theater Sconce from the 1930's

Three Wiring/Socket Choices:

188-WES-IN  Medium Base Sockets for Incandescent or LED 

188-WES-HF  LED Center Bulb with Medium Base Side Sockets 

188-WES-LD  All LED, Title 24 Compliant

The original Historic Sconce came from the Loew’s Delancy Theatre, 140-146 Delancy Street in New York City. We have re-created it as accurately as possible; making a few necessary code compliant changes to conform to our new-age UL standards. We had the original fixtures from the Loew's Delancey Theatre and sold them quite quickly reserving only a couple for our museum. After several requests,  we went to the drawing board and produced this outstanding example using our museum examples and in accordance with new ULguidelines.


The picture, of the original theater, illustrated below, and was from about 1930's. Located next door to the historic Ratner’s dairy restaurant, the Loew’s Delancey Street Theatre was once a cornerstone of life on New York’s Lower East Side. It was built in 1911, opening in 1912 as a 1,788 seat vaudeville house. It was one of the first theatres Marcus Loew built and was later converted to movies.

With the later 1970’s rush to the suburbs, the theatre and the surrounding neighborhood declined until the Loew’s Delancey Theatre was closed in 1976.

Creating the Loew’s Theatre Sconce:

The body of the sconce is made from a combination or brass castings and formings. The acrylic center shade is ribbed and the bottom ball finial is a solid glass ball with brass cap. We changed the center light from fluorescent to a 2G11 long LED center tube which will be supplied with the light. You can choose the side sockets shown below as LED GU-10. 

Wiring and Light Bulbs Choice:

This fixture can be wired with traditional incandescent sockets...or...LEDs. The center section can contain EITHER a double incandescent socket cluster or a 2G11 mounted LEDtube (picture shown). The sockets, under the side wings, can be specified as to what type of socket you wish to have in stalled. You can choose 1) medium base normal sockets ...or...2) chandelier sockets...or...3) GU-10 sockets for special LED bulbs to conform to Chapter 24 code parameters.

The bottom switch is a 3-way which allows a combination of lighting sequences.  You can light only the center portion, can light only the wing sockets, ...or you can power-up both the wing sockets and the center tube together.

The effect of lighting only the side lights is like dimming since they bounce off the center glass with a bright white color. Very theater like in appearance. You also have some movement of the wings since they are connected with swivels. This allows you to open the space between the wings and the center section or close it more tightly. You can even get a bit of an angle to the wings if desired. There is not a lot of movement, but a little movement does have an effect when the bulbs are alight.

Measurements:  The Overall sconce height is 24”. The width can vary slightly with wing adjustment from 12” to 13”. They project into the room, depending on wing adjustment, 4 1/2” max.

Price:  $1,375.00 base price for each sconce antiqued brass finish and that comes complete with the center described LED bulb and you choose the side socket type to be assembled. Plus careful shipping.