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Victorian Windsor Fully Decorated Door Knob (ZB-39K)
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Antique Brass Finish
Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish
Victorian Windsor Fully Decorated Door Knob (ZB-39K)

ZB-39K  Hi Lo Antique Brass Finish Reproduction Windsor Fully Decorated Door Knob

ZB-OB39K  Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish Windsor Fully Decorated Door Knob

In the 1880's, one of the finest hardware companies was Reading Hardware.  Windsor was their most popular pattern, and they produced Victorian hardware for throughout the home in that design.

Windsor pattern knobs are lost wax cast of solid brass, then antique finished & lacquered.  The difference in this knob from the other Windsor knobs is that even the backside of the knob is fully detailed.  If you have a glass door, or just can't get enough Victoriana, this is a great choice.

Now available in our matte black Oil Rubbed Bronze Finish.

This doorknob is sold by each.  For a set, order two doorknobs plus a doorknob shaft.  For extra thick doors, you may purchase an extra long square doorknob shaft spindle, which may be trimmed as needed.


  • Diameter:  2 18"
  • Height:  2" tall.
  • Shank/Stem Diameter:  1116" shank.

Look for all our fine Windsor home hardware, which includes window hardware, door plates, cabinet knobs, and door bolts.

How far from the edge of the door is the center of your doorknob?  This is the backset, and determines which latch or mortise lock you use.  We have two Windsor pattern mortise locks to complete your door mechanism.  In either a passage latch or skeleton key option, we have a 2 ¼" backset lock, or a 2 58" backset lock with both latch options.

If you prefer a mortise set without the Windsor pattern, we offer a 2 38" backset tubular latch , and a privacy tubular deadbolt latch option.  Very narrow panel doors or doors with lots of glass may need a 1 38" backset passage latch.

If you prefer a full mortise lock with key function and mortise lock with privacy turnlatch function, we have 1 ¾", 2 ¼" or 2 58" backset.  If you also need a turnlatch knob, we have an oval knob turnlatch, and the popular crescent shape turnlatch.

We also make a lovely Windsor doorplate with the turnlatch included.

Some of our most popular rosettes for use with this knob are:



These products are related to this one.

Victorian Windsor Pattern Single Hook (ZB-30H)

Price: $38.35
Recreated Windsor Cabinet Knob Turn Latch (ZB-34)

Price: $48.75
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1" Cabinet Knob (ZB-34KO)

Price: $33.50
Victorian Windsor Pattern Large Door Knob (ZB-37K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern Door Knob (ZB-38K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1 1/4" Cabinet Knob (ZB-J51)

Price: $95.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern Single Hook (ZB-30H)

Price: $38.35
Recreated Windsor Cabinet Knob Turn Latch (ZB-34)

Price: $48.75
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1" Cabinet Knob (ZB-34KO)

Price: $33.50
Victorian Windsor Pattern Large Door Knob (ZB-37K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern Door Knob (ZB-38K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1 1/4" Cabinet Knob (ZB-J51)

Price: $95.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern Single Hook (ZB-30H)

Price: $38.35
Recreated Windsor Cabinet Knob Turn Latch (ZB-34)

Price: $48.75
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1" Cabinet Knob (ZB-34KO)

Price: $33.50
Victorian Windsor Pattern Large Door Knob (ZB-37K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern Door Knob (ZB-38K)

Price: $243.00
Victorian Windsor Pattern 1 1/4" Cabinet Knob (ZB-J51)

Price: $95.00